Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life In Plastic It's Fantastic??

It boggles my mind that Barbie is a role model to millions of young girls around the world, and the fact that it's been going on for over 50 years now. Why is Barbie such a sensation? Why is she one of the world's most popular children's toy and fascination? Well i certainly would love to know because i think that Barbie is the start of image problems and self esteem issues that later probablly result to bulimia and anorexia in those young girls that loved her when they grow up. Did you know if Barbie was a real women she's weigh 100 pounds, 6' foot tall, wear a size 4 and her measurements would be 39", 19" 33". Not to mention her organs couldnt even fit in to her body and her feet are so small she'd break them and couldnt even stand up let alone walk. So what message is this sending to girls? because every little girl wants to be barbie. She's beautiful always done up head to toe with makeup, jewelry and of course the best clothes. Now tell me this isnt materialistic and completely a horrible message to be sending to all the young girls out there who consider barbie their role model. Life in plastic isn't fantastic in my opinion im not a fan of barbie.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Burger King = Objectifying Women?

How far is to far with sexual objectification in advertising?
Well I believe this advertisement for Burger King has taken it completely too far. The ad is for the new BK "super seven incher sandwhich" and has the women's mouth entirely open with the sandwhich infront of her saying " it'll blow your mind". The subliminal message is obviously sexual and all the words have double meanings secretly being sexual innuendos. I don't understand why it's necessary to depict a women and treat her mearly as an instrument towards men's sexual pleasures. I dont know how objectifying women will make people want to buy a sandwhich? especially a women. But it all comes down to males and their the dominant gender in society so advertising is based about them and their pleasures and the women are pushed asside and looked at as objects. As this ad does a completely good job of depicting that exact message. I'm completely disgusted with Burger King and will never buy anything from them again.