Monday, March 15, 2010

Burger King = Objectifying Women?

How far is to far with sexual objectification in advertising?
Well I believe this advertisement for Burger King has taken it completely too far. The ad is for the new BK "super seven incher sandwhich" and has the women's mouth entirely open with the sandwhich infront of her saying " it'll blow your mind". The subliminal message is obviously sexual and all the words have double meanings secretly being sexual innuendos. I don't understand why it's necessary to depict a women and treat her mearly as an instrument towards men's sexual pleasures. I dont know how objectifying women will make people want to buy a sandwhich? especially a women. But it all comes down to males and their the dominant gender in society so advertising is based about them and their pleasures and the women are pushed asside and looked at as objects. As this ad does a completely good job of depicting that exact message. I'm completely disgusted with Burger King and will never buy anything from them again.


  1. This ad is insane. I know that sex is used by advertising all the time to boost sales, but that model looks like a blow-up doll. If a line exists, BK as crossed it.
    Needless to say, I'm with you. They won't be getting any more of my business unless they clean up their act, and soon.

  2. Although I agree with post the OP and commentor that the as is ridiculously sexist I do also feel that it is such commonplace in media today to be so overtly sexual that this ad does not strike me as anything wrong. Not to say it isn't inherently wrong but maybe I am desensitized and this is why media gets worse and worse, similar to why porn gets worse and worse.

  3. OMG I didn't even have to read the comment to agree with Heather. This is not something that needs to be considered in the media not one bit. It is sexist and it is depriving women of rights. It symbolize a bad message to women everywhere, BK should have be sued for this because its disgust me! I would prefer that the market actually look at these pictures and use their marketing skills too before they market anything else to the public.

  4. To me it's ridiculous that advertising has gone to an all time low by using something so sexual to sell a sandwhich. It's degrading to women, but at the same time, it sells. People are actually buying into this kind of advertising, and it's only going to get worse.

  5. This ad is very disturbing to me. Why do women always have to be sexualized to sell something? Now we have food companies striking at females. I would not give Burger King my money until they can clean up their ads. This ad is so wrong. I’m not even sure how this can appeal to anyone at all. The sad truth is that people do continue to buy things that are being sold like this. It will not stop either. It will probably just get worse actually. The media needs to find new approaches because this ad simply doesn’t cut it for me.

  6. It is sad to see that due to a lack of creativity Sex can always be use to sell a product. Once again and image of a woman its dismembered and sexualized for the pleasure and laughter of others. I personally dont think any women will be amused with this add, leading me to assume that this is targeting men. How sad its the fact that this will actually get men to go in an buy this sadwich...

  7. If this ad isn't obvious I don't know what is. I know as a woman after seeing this ad I would not eat at Burger King. I don't think women should be told they need to put "seven inchers" in their mouth.
