Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photoshopping is Damaging

Fillipa Hamilton a 5'10, 120 pound, size 4 model used to model for Ralph Lauren until she was fired for being "too fat". She was supposedly not fired for being too fat but because she wasn't fitting into the clothes she needed to wear anymore. Fillipa was really hurt and sad but wasn't going to go public with her complaints about the company, until she saw a photoshopped image of herself online that had been advertised in a mall in Japan. The Ralph Lauren Company said " We have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body". I can't believe Ralph Lauren even posted this add thinking that would be a positive way to portray someone. They look sickly anorexic, unhealthy and her head is bigger than her body. Not only did this portray Fillipia inaccurate photoshopping portrays alot of models and celebrities the same way INACCURATE and FAKE. Editing blemishes, cellulite, freckles, hair, breasts everything you could possibly imagine. Almost everything that the media is portraying is distorted. It's horrible and then you wonder why so many women and young girls have eating disorders. Photoshopping is really damaging to the people in the adds all the way down to the people reading them, looking up to these women and wanting to be just like them.


  1. I completely agree that this kind of treatment is ridiculous. People who in this case are probably healthy should not be seen as fat because some phtographer or person says their cloths don't fit like that should. This type of behavior is sending a terrible image that is already affecting society and should not be tolerated.

  2. I have seen this add before and I couldn't believe is was an actual add. I thought i was a joke! Who really thinks emaciated girls look good?

  3. Photoshopping is apart of alot of pictures. think about it, when you take pictures you change the lighting or red eye and when you have Glmore Shots done they photoshop to remove blemishes, wrinkles and other undesired visibilities. This is what society had set as the staus quo for acceptable. Which is strange because the average everyday women is not a size 2 and doesn't make a living trying on clothes or having her picture taken. The issue in America from photoshopping had lead to many disorders within young women and can result in death.

  4. I had never seen this ad before, but looking at it makes me sick. It's hard to believe that this is what people are resorting to and this is what young teens are looking up to. This ad proves to people that not everyone looks this way, and things are photoshopped. You never know, maybe this ad will have what it takes to prove to people that models dont actually look that way.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have read this on Yahoo a couple of months back and its so true about the media. I watch allot of videos and Top Model so I notice this more than sexism commercials. It really leaves a bad image for all women because we are negatively represented by the media whom depicts us as thin, curvy and flawless. It’s not possible to be all three at once. I hate the way Ralph Lauren made Hamilton look so weird and yes she did look sick. The media doesn't respect women and it hurts because sex does really sell. It’s destroying young girls’ lives they are many dying from not being Barbie. Even if young girls don't commit suicide from the images they can't leave up to in the media it still affects the brain. Once the brain is affected then the body, then it's your self esteem. I wish more women in the media spoke about things like this then it would make us all feel much better to known its just the media not the model. Natural women have a flaw, that’s what makes us all beautiful. I mean if we all were perfect what would be beautiful to our eyes? I don't think we'd known the difference between unattractive and attractive. The media has an image to maintain but women shouldn’t be their mean target. Hamilton did the right thing by speaking out about it help other women to understand perfection is only what you see on television not in the real world.

  7. Photo shopping is something that magazine readers don’t take into consideration when comparing themselves to the women. This has a lot to do with the media because not a lot of models willing admit that their skin is that smooth or their legs are firm and cellulite free. Photo shopping a picture of someone is pretty much like changing who they are and making them into someone that the media wants them to be.

  8. Girls look at these types of images and do not even know that they are all fake and have been completely touched up by Photoshop. Photoshop allows every imperfection to be erased. The girl in this ad looks disgusting. Her body is so un-proportioned. Girls will look at these and see that this is what they have to look like to be considered sexy. It sends such negative messages to our youth. These messages can screw with young girls’ head. It is alarming how many young females have eating disorders and are depressed these days. The media only has them to blame for this. Girls are going to continue on this destructive path and most likely, it will get worse before it gets better.
