Monday, February 1, 2010

Perfect 10?

It's hard to believe that Heidi Montag was quoted saying " My main message is beauty is really within." When she's admitted to being addicted to plastic surgery, "im addicted"she said. It's a true dissapointment that someone as beautiful as her has such a distorted perception of herself. It has caused Heidi to fold under the pressures of modern media and alter her apperance so drastically that she's unrecognizable. Within the last several years she's become a well known celebrity and has developed extreme self confidence issues obviously influenced by her new Hollywood lifestyle and reputation. The 25 year old has spent an estimated 50,000 dollars on her 10 surgeries to achieve that "perfect 10" look that most people thought she had from the start. Having her husbands approval and support for these alterations it's sending messages to young men to not only accept artificial looking women but to encourage them to see their flaws and want to change their appearance. Not only is Heidi contradicting her own beliefs, she's sending the wrong message to young girls everywhere. Somehow we need to get the mainstream media to get back on track with telling young girls that beauty really does come from within. With these transformations occuring almost daily in celebrity lifestyles, it's hard to imagine a future where young girls can just be themselves and content with the way they look instead of being influenced by the mainstream media. Do these plastic surgeries help or hurt Heidi's image?


  1. This post serves a great point. When young women look up to celebrities and hear what they are saying "beauty is within" and then see an image of them looking like a plastic barbie doll, their not going to understand. They may be thinking "yes beauty comes from within, but maybe thats not enough". Thats not what should be happening. It's not easy to see the direction society is going, but i fear there is nothing anyone can do to change its path

  2. I agree with your thoughts on Heidi's surgeries. Although they may be helpful to her image in the sense that she is more marketable it is also, at the same time, hurtful to her image as she becomes a contridiction. For Heidi to say "beauty is really within" is a great message for her young follwers to hear but it becomes void when she is constantly shown undergoing more plastic surgery to create her own "beauty". This imagery of dissatisfaction with her own look is a negative image for her admirers.

  3. For someone to alter there body to such an extreme is crazy! She is desperatly trying to hold on to stardom and it is sad that the pressures of Hollywood have pushed her this far. Celebrities are unrealistic human beings, if everyone had a glamour sqad like them no one would feel ugly!

  4. I agree about so many of these points! We really need more support for young people in being okay with the way they look and cherishing the beauty within. Also, celebrities really are so unrealistic and send off awful messages to young people. It's so hypicritical of her to say "beauty is really within" after so many surgeries. It's so hard for other women to be accepted as they are with the media and men pressuring them to "inhance" their image by surgies, tanning, makeup, medications, diets, etc.

  5. I agree with you that Heidi having her husband's support helps to encourage her behavior. I also think all of the media attention her story has received and the fact that she is completely open about giving all the details of her surgery somewhat normalizes her decisions.

  6. Heidi Montag used to look perfect, I don't know why she would ever want triple D's. She looks like a porn star now. I can't help but wonder how much of an influence her prick husband had in all this. She is clearly not mentally stable if she looks in the mirror and sees anything that needs liposuction. I think her "before" shot looks a million times better than her "after." But let's face it, she's not trying to be a role model, she's trying to be a pop star. There's a huge difference.

  7. This shows how much the media can impact a person’s life. Heidi was a beautiful woman who got caught up in the media’s image of a perfect woman. She ended up changing things that most people wouldn’t have even known you could get surgery for like a chin reduction. I believe this is teaching young women that no matter how beautiful you are there is always something you can find wrong on yourself and the only way to fix it is surgery.

  8. Heidi has received so much criticism for these surgeries. The season premiere of “The Hills” just came on and it showed Heidi going to see her mother for the first time after all of these surgeries. Her mother could barely recognize her. She almost even implied that Heidi didn’t look good anymore. I think that it has to be hard on Heidi for all of the disapproval she is receiving. Honestly, I think she deserves it. She looked really pretty and down-to-earth before and she looks so messed up. I think that she did fall a victim to the life of LA. I think that she is an example of how fame can destroy everything that a person believes in just by repeating negative images that females face every day.

  9. Like the author of the article I agree that this is sending mixed messages. Especially how she openly says "im addicted" like thats a normal thing. Plastic surgery like a drug addiciton is a problem, Heidi shouldnt be allowed to shout about this like is a great thing, instead she should be receiving the psychological help she needs.
