Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photoshopping is Damaging

Fillipa Hamilton a 5'10, 120 pound, size 4 model used to model for Ralph Lauren until she was fired for being "too fat". She was supposedly not fired for being too fat but because she wasn't fitting into the clothes she needed to wear anymore. Fillipa was really hurt and sad but wasn't going to go public with her complaints about the company, until she saw a photoshopped image of herself online that had been advertised in a mall in Japan. The Ralph Lauren Company said " We have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body". I can't believe Ralph Lauren even posted this add thinking that would be a positive way to portray someone. They look sickly anorexic, unhealthy and her head is bigger than her body. Not only did this portray Fillipia inaccurate photoshopping portrays alot of models and celebrities the same way INACCURATE and FAKE. Editing blemishes, cellulite, freckles, hair, breasts everything you could possibly imagine. Almost everything that the media is portraying is distorted. It's horrible and then you wonder why so many women and young girls have eating disorders. Photoshopping is really damaging to the people in the adds all the way down to the people reading them, looking up to these women and wanting to be just like them.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Perfect 10?

It's hard to believe that Heidi Montag was quoted saying " My main message is beauty is really within." When she's admitted to being addicted to plastic surgery, "im addicted"she said. It's a true dissapointment that someone as beautiful as her has such a distorted perception of herself. It has caused Heidi to fold under the pressures of modern media and alter her apperance so drastically that she's unrecognizable. Within the last several years she's become a well known celebrity and has developed extreme self confidence issues obviously influenced by her new Hollywood lifestyle and reputation. The 25 year old has spent an estimated 50,000 dollars on her 10 surgeries to achieve that "perfect 10" look that most people thought she had from the start. Having her husbands approval and support for these alterations it's sending messages to young men to not only accept artificial looking women but to encourage them to see their flaws and want to change their appearance. Not only is Heidi contradicting her own beliefs, she's sending the wrong message to young girls everywhere. Somehow we need to get the mainstream media to get back on track with telling young girls that beauty really does come from within. With these transformations occuring almost daily in celebrity lifestyles, it's hard to imagine a future where young girls can just be themselves and content with the way they look instead of being influenced by the mainstream media. Do these plastic surgeries help or hurt Heidi's image?