The AIDS epidemic has become one of the greatest threats to human health and development. AIDS is a serious concern and is taken very seriously in trying to find cures and treatments. These pictures are actual campaign posters for the "AIDS Is A Mass Murderer" campaign. Which helps raise awareness about the dangers of AIDS. I was horrified when i saw these ads they're completely inapropriate. It's already known knowledge that AIDS kills many people every day around the whole world. The posters are rude and crude, especially since the people having sex are Hitler and Sadam. Yes, they were mass murderers and killed many people such as the AIDS virus. Hitler and Sadam are hated by so many people and it's so inapropriate to have them as the stars of these posters.By having these posters i believe it's making fun of people with AIDS. Basically saying yeah they screwed you and now you're screwed and there's nothing you can do about it. These posters will definitely get the message across about AIDS awareness i guarantee that. But it's sending the wrong message by making fun of the virus and the people that have it and are eventually going to die from it. I was completely offended and i don't even have AIDS. I just wonder what the people think about these ads that are suffering from the virus. They couldv'e come out with a better advertisement for their campaign dealing with AIDS bottom line.
I am glad you pointed that out because it is rude to have Hitler and Sadam as the stars. However, I think it is a terrific way to market condoms actually. I just feel that its inapropriate to people who have AIDS because no one deserves to have the disease. No matter how many people they slept with or whatever no one deserves to live with the disease. I also read a while back that actually their is a cure for the disease that was found but the FDA is not willing to release it until 2011. It has already cured over 200,000 people or so something around that but they just want to make sure. If this cure does work hopefully people will be able to receive it without having to pay the big bucks.
ReplyDeleteThis is very offensive in my opinion. Yes AIDs is a serious disease and we should take it very seriously but this is suggesting that everyone with AIDs is doing something so terrible as having sex with mass murders such as Sadam and Hitler. They are relating such terrible men with people that have AIDs and that is truly unfair. I feel like they could have come across with a more powerful message but respectful at the same time. A little more respect for people with AIDs would be nice!
ReplyDeleteThese ads seem rediculous. I can understand why the men in the photos are there but why are the naked women. They seem to be there for no reason other than the obvious reason "sex sells". To further degrade these women and portray the idea that they would be sexually active with these nationaly hated criminals is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteI have mixed feelings about this campaign. I understand why the images would be offensive to many people, but I don't feel like the comparison of AIDS to the Holocaust is an inaccurate one. I'm not sure I agree with using a scare tactic to educate people with AIDS, because there's enough fear surrounding that as it is, but I do feel like it sends a very strong message to the viewer, so in that sense it's effective. My biggest problem is with how much of the women's bodies they are showing in the ad. You can relate the same idea without showing almost full nudity. This looks like soft core porn with a sinister twist.