Friday, May 7, 2010

AIDS is a Mass Murder

The AIDS epidemic has become one of the greatest threats to human health and development. AIDS is a serious concern and is taken very seriously in trying to find cures and treatments. These pictures are actual campaign posters for the "AIDS Is A Mass Murderer" campaign. Which helps raise awareness about the dangers of AIDS. I was horrified when i saw these ads they're completely inapropriate. It's already known knowledge that AIDS kills many people every day around the whole world. The posters are rude and crude, especially since the people having sex are Hitler and Sadam. Yes, they were mass murderers and killed many people such as the AIDS virus. Hitler and Sadam are hated by so many people and it's so inapropriate to have them as the stars of these posters.By having these posters i believe it's making fun of people with AIDS. Basically saying yeah they screwed you and now you're screwed and there's nothing you can do about it. These posters will definitely get the message across about AIDS awareness i guarantee that. But it's sending the wrong message by making fun of the virus and the people that have it and are eventually going to die from it. I was completely offended and i don't even have AIDS. I just wonder what the people think about these ads that are suffering from the virus. They couldv'e come out with a better advertisement for their campaign dealing with AIDS bottom line.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Disney Innocent?

The Walt Disney Company is the world's largest media conglomerate. They have everything from movies, television programs, publishing, merchandise and even Theme Parks. For many years children have been viewing and enjoying Disney films and loving Disney, who doesn't love Disney?. Did you know there are subliminal messages in many of the films? All of the subliminal messages are completely sexual and inappropriate for the audience the films were geared towards. A lot of hidden messages have been seen and heard and there are more probably yet to be discovered. Movies such as "The Little Mermaid", "The Lion King", "Aladdin" and many more all of have these sexual inuendos and connotations throughout the films. In the picture above is the kings castle in "The Little Mermaid" and there is a penis right in front. This image is shown several times in the movie and is on the cover of the movie. Also, while prince Eric is getting married to Ursula in disguise the priest has an erection. Now i know that all children might not have picked up on these back in the day but now they might be since children are exposed to a lot more at a younger age. Regardless what message is this sending to children? That everything has to be sexualized even a Disney movie? Throughout the film "The Lion King" the word sex is seen numerous times. Whether it be in the stars at night, in blades of glass, across Simba's head or in the background it's there. In "Aladdin" in the background a voice says very quickly "good teenagers, take off your clothes". I think it's perverted to have such subliminal messages in Disney movies that are specifically geared towards children. But would you expect anything different? I think Disney has secretive agendas including the subliminal messaging as well as being very discriminative towards gender and race. They always have a damsel in distress, a very passive women character who's beautiful with a perfect body. Have you noticed that all the main characters are always white or a human. The characters that are suppose to be African American or Latino are depicted as creatures, animals, evil or criminals. No matter what the specific issue Disney is not innocent because they have inappropriate material geared towards children.

Encouraging Premature Sexualization

Last week in London a department store called Primark had children's bathing suits withdrawn from being sold. The bathing suits were pulled because they had padded bras on the bikini tops which were marketed towards 7 year old girls. It's absolutely ridiculous to put padding into a 7 year olds bathing suit top. It's disgusting and perverted to say the least. This is another way that society has tried to sexualize children and encourage them to grow up as fast as they can. It's sad to say but kids aren't being allowed to be kids anymore, their being taught to grow up fast. By having the padding put in the bikini is portraying that being sexy is the most important thing in a girls life. I'm confused i don't know how that even got approved to be produced, let alone be bought by a company and distributed to the store. What boggles me the most is the parents that purchased the bathing suit before it was withdrawn from the stores. You can't control the media and what's going to be produced but parents should know whats right from wrong and what the difference between a child and a women is. All clothing that's being produced with the intend to prematurely sexualize children is horrible and should be considered pedophilia. It may as well be and if not it's certainly encouraging those people more and more to act upon there desires. When young children are dressing older and being taught to be sexy so young. What happened to kids being kids and not being viewed and taught to be sexually desired and still be innocent and sweet? Society really needs to take a step back and look at what they're doing and causing to the children of today. A lot of them are going to have major psychological problems and it could have all been easily prevented if encouraging premature sexualization was never happening.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plus-Size Ad Gets Banned

Lane Bryant recently came out with a new lingerie line called Cacique. The commerial stars Ashley Graham who is a size 16 "plus size" model. The commercial was supposed to be aired on both the FOX and ABC networks. However, ABC completely denied airing the plus-size lingerie commercial no if, ands or buts. It was suppose to air during Dancing With the Stars but ironically was banned for being to sexy for american T.V. What doesn't make any sense to me is that the commercial was banned for being to sexy and for showing way to much cleavage. Ok so i can and would've completely understood if that was the real reason for banning the commercial but it wasn't. The commercial was suppose to air during "Dancing With the Stars" which is a very provogative show. All the dancers wear sexy, skimpy and revealing outfits which reveals alot of skin and cleavage just like the Lane Bryant commercial. Not even to mention Pamela Anderson's huge boobs that are constantly revealed during her performance. Also, during Dancing With the Stars there were several Victoria Secret commercials that aired. Yet the Lane Bryant commercial was aired for being to sexy??? Woah if that isn't onw of the biggest contradictions ever. What's even more ironic is that Lane Bryant and Victoria Secret are owned by the same company. The real reason i believe it was banned was because it was showing plus size women in lingerie portraying sexuality. Society is'nt necessarily use to seeing any other women over a size 4 modeling lingerie and were probably uncomfortable and decided to ban the commercial. It's a complete double standard and that Ashley Graham was beautiful and was representing and portraying what real women in america look like. Because not all women are under a size 4. I think if society is willing to show a Victoria Secret lingerie commercial they should show a Lane Bryant lingerie commercial.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Beyonce's Contradictions

Beyonce Knowles is a well known successful singer, actress, and a business women. Who by the way is drop dead gorgeous and has always been recognized for her curvy, thick figure. She was recently featured in two magazine advertisements. One was on the cover of Vogue and the other was for her clothing line House of Dereon's spring collection. However both of the ads she was featured in are sending opposite and weird messages to the readers. The ad for vogue features Beyonce on the cover and says " Real Women Have Curves". But the funny thing is that the ad doesn't even show her curves on the cover. Wouldn't you think they would have a picture of her displaying her curves? And since they aren't what is that saying about curves in general, are they even considered a good thing? Yet it says that real women have curves... So if you don't are you not considered a real women? I'm completely confused as to what this is portraying and what the underlying message is. Especially for somebody who always flaunted and been proud of her body. Beyonce's ad for her clothing line features her and her whole curvy body yet she's been photoshopped. So you don't even see her curvacious body that she's known for having. Both advertisements are depicting and portraying her a certain way that she's not. On one side you have a magazine who you think are emphasizing and making her curves sound like a good thing but it's not portraying them. And on the other hand she has a chance to display her body in her own clothing line and she photoshops herself not to look like she has all of those curves. What? What was going through her mind during these photo shoots? Does she know she's contradicting her image as well as herself? It all comes down to the media and what they consider to be the best in a women's appearance. I'm really sad that Beyonce was ok with these pictures after she always was proud of her curvy figure.

$ Doesn't Buy You Votes

Kate Gosselin star of Jon and Kate plus 8 was picked to be a contest on the reality T.V. show "Dancing With The Stars". Before she even began training and dancing she underwent another makeover. Supposedly to prepare and make herself look good for all of the viewers and to gain votes from viewers. Kate had a total of $35,000 worth of procedures just to prepare to be on television. It's completely ridiculous to spend that amount of money to make yourself fake and someone you're not just for viewers and trying to get ratings on a stupid reality show. She got hair extensions with highlights which cost $5,800, $1,000 worth of Botox, $11,000 of skin procedures on her cheeks, $5,500 worth of eye work, eyelash extensions, and eyebrow shaping. And last but not least a new pair of porcelain veneers which are $1,300 per tooth. As if all the other "makeovers" she's had the last several months weren't enough and the new set of porcelain veneers apposed to the other set she's already received recently. Not only does she look completely fake like a barbie she is doing horrible on the show. She has gotten the worst reviews. I think it's quite pathetic to have spent so much money on your personal appearance to get ready for a reality show to try and gain votes from the audience. What she really needed to do before she started training was more dance training. That may have helped her gain votes instead of trying to get your appearance and money to do it for you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life In Plastic It's Fantastic??

It boggles my mind that Barbie is a role model to millions of young girls around the world, and the fact that it's been going on for over 50 years now. Why is Barbie such a sensation? Why is she one of the world's most popular children's toy and fascination? Well i certainly would love to know because i think that Barbie is the start of image problems and self esteem issues that later probablly result to bulimia and anorexia in those young girls that loved her when they grow up. Did you know if Barbie was a real women she's weigh 100 pounds, 6' foot tall, wear a size 4 and her measurements would be 39", 19" 33". Not to mention her organs couldnt even fit in to her body and her feet are so small she'd break them and couldnt even stand up let alone walk. So what message is this sending to girls? because every little girl wants to be barbie. She's beautiful always done up head to toe with makeup, jewelry and of course the best clothes. Now tell me this isnt materialistic and completely a horrible message to be sending to all the young girls out there who consider barbie their role model. Life in plastic isn't fantastic in my opinion im not a fan of barbie.